Your company, M/s. SEC Industries Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, has done a commendable job in realizing 3 nos. top skin panels and one landing gear cut-out skin panel for the RLV-TD Engineering Model from Aluminium alloy
sheets through stretch-forming route. It is really a great work considering the difficulties involved in generating the three dimensional profiles in each panel within the stringent tolerance levels asked for.
We place on record our appreciation and wish that your company may scale greater heights in future in the challenging technological and engineering fields.
Dr. K Sivan, Project Director, RLV-TD, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
Delighted and impressed to see a skilled and technology superior factory. Wish all the best. Hope a facility developed over last 60 years sustains with glory and grows further and further.
Rear Admiral V. Raja Shekhar, DG P-75
It was heartening to witness exclusive and ‘State of the art’ manufacturing facilities. I am glad that SEC has partnered with DPSUs and the Indian Navy for the indigenization programme of one of the most prestigious project.
All the very best!
Rear Admiral Mr. G. S. Pabby, DG P-75, Naval HQ
It has been an extremely educating visit for me. I am impressed with the high tech machines being employed for manufacture of initial items for several national programmes. The team is highly motivated. Indigenization of items for P-75 in a heartening development, which one would like to see grow much more.
All the best .
Rear Admiral R. K. Shrawat (Rtd), CMD-Mazagon Dock Ltd
Extremely happy to see some hitech "MAKE IN INDIA" projects being executed in this plant. Wish you many more successful programmes to support Indigenisation of Defence Products.
Cmde Aseem Anand, Principal Director, Dte of Indigenisation
We have stabilized a very efficient partnership with SEC for the P75 program. I remember my first visit in 2010, of the qualification of SEC during the first year to be able to meet the stringent specifications of the submarine world and now we can be proud of the work done together till now. SEC and DCNS India have been successful in more than 20 Factory Acceptance Tests of MDL. Congratulations to the workers and management. In addition to that, it has been always a pleasure to work with SEC.
Good Luck.
Mr. Guillaume PATEU, Dy. Director DCNS India, Mumbai
A very interesting visit with very good capability and a vision in the future. Congratulations.
Monsieur Eric LAVERTU, Consul general of France
We are proud of the work being done by you. Well done. Please convey our best wishes to all workers. God grant you prosperity and fame.
Lt. Gen B. S. Nagal, AVSM, SM, C-in-C , Strategic forces Command
Very many thanks for sharing with us your achievements and vision. Wishing SEC continued success and glory.
Cmde Deepak Bist, Project 75, IHQ MoD (Navy)
I am glad to share with you the success of “LRSAM Home-On-Target Flight Test” on 26-Nov-2015 at Israel. The success marks a major step forward towards production of developed systems and was possible only due to your organization’s significant contribution to LRSAM System Development.
On behalf of Project LRSAM and on my own behalf, I place on record my deep appreciation of the sincere efforts put in by you and your team towards this.
I wish to take this association forward to accomplish the final goal of delivering production system to the Armed Forces.
Dr. K. Jayaraman, Distinguished Scientist & Director DRDL.
MRSAM achieved a hat-trick success of Missions conducted during 30 th June & 1 st July 2016 at ITR Chandipur. We are very thankful to you and your team for support without which we could not have accomplished this goal of national importance in a very seamless manner.
Shri. M. Ugender Reddy, OS, Project Director - MRSAM
It gives me immense pleasure to communicate, on behalf of the DRDO, that your outstanding contributions in the field of scientific research & development have been recognized, and as a token of recognition, the
"Defence Technology Absorption Award 2007" is being conferred upon your company.
I like to place on record our deep sense of appreciation for the exemplary scientific achievements which have been made possible by a brilliant combination of scientific knowledge, arduous work and unceasing zeal for the
task assigned. Such events set examples for others to emulate. I convey my heartiest felicitations on this rare feat of scientific achievement.
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India will confer the award in a ceremony to be held at 8:30hrs on 12 May 2008 in Kothari Auditorium, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dr. W Selvamurthy, Distinguished Scientist & Chief Controller Research &
Development, DRDO
A very impressive technical facility and the organization is catering to high technology areas requiring close tolerances on the components and demanding specifications. The equipments are of high sophistication and the facilities are in controlled atmosphere, thus catering to aerospace industry, where dependability is the challenge. I wish the organization great success in their endeavours.
Mr. N. Saibaba, Chief Executive, Nuclear Fuel Complex
An excellent facility with highly qualified manpower. The company can take up any complete system, concept, manufacturing, assembling and testing. One of the very few players have this type of facility in this country. All the best for the entire team.
K. Jayaraman, Director, DRDL, Hyderabad
It was pleasure to be at the well equipped and managed facilities of respected facilities of respected SEC Industries Pvt Ltd and had a very informative introduction. I would like to express a strong confidence on behalf of Embassy of Ukraine and my own that mutually beneficial co-operation between Ukrainian - Indian enterprises will flourish and prosper both nations. Wishing your company a very good success. Jai Hind !!!
Ivan Konavalov, Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of India
Excellent facilities have been created for manufacture critical components and I wish the company will participate in many of our weapon manufacturing programs.
V. G. Prasad, Director, Production, BDL
Visited the unit as part of my attempt to understand and promote the industry in TS State/Medchal district. Had very purposeful interaction with the SEC team and observed professional and committed approach. Best wishes.
Dr. M. V. Reddy, District Collect & Magistrate, Medchal District
It is time to place on record that the technical capability and commitment from the team members of your organisation is very high. I thank you and your team members for all the support given during my official interaction with M/s. SEC.
We would like to place on record our heartfelt & sincere thanks for the excellent support & continuous participation provided by you and your team at M/s SEC Industries Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Upon successful execution of this Project, I have no doubts that together we will continue to achieve greater milestones in all our indigenous Project /Programmes and thereby reduce our dependence on the imported systems and technologies.
I would like to inform you that, we have achieved our targets with your co-operation. In this connection we thank you very much for extending your full support and we look forward to continual association.
Mr. KRISHNA EMANI, General Manager (SW), BDL
It may not be out of place to mention that DRDL has identified a very capable company to manufacture items.
Air Vice Marshal B Sivakumar VSM, GROUP DIRECTOR (IMG & Aircraft Mod)