Dontineni Seshagiri Rao Charitable Trust
The company is deeply committed to the cause of social well-being-of its employees in particular and the larger society in general.
To this end, the company has established a trust named "Dontineni Seshagiri Rao Charitable Trust" which has implemented a number of programmes designed to provide significant value added benefits to the employees and to mitigate the hardships faced by them and others in society:
- Subsidising / paying for the educational expenses of the children/wards of employees by paying the entire fee or part of it based on a matrix which takes into account various aspects of the employee - his/her attendance, efficiency & commitment and also on the academic performance of the child/ward.
- The company provides this support to the children/wards of needy and deserving non-employees as well based on a study of their background and merit.
- Providing health insurance cover to employees.
- Providing cool drinking water to all passers-by during the scorching summer months.
- Providing free fodder on a regular basis for cattle which are bred for ritual / religious purposes.